Fort de la Latte

History and description

The château de la Latte can be traced back to at least the 14th century. Besieged multiple times, it was burnt and dismantled in 1597 during the Catholic League of France.
A century later, the engineer Garangeau renovated this ancient site, by transforming it into a coastal battery in 1691. The medieval keep was preserved, reused as a tower and inner fortified powder keg. It was also populated with gunners and archers. The perimeter included the construction of a battery in the form of a horseshoe at ground level, flanked by two watchtowers. Batteries of barbette cannons were constructed on the higher areas of the fort. A stable with a guardroom, topped by slots for musketry was added to the advanced area of the fort.
During the French Revolution, a furnace for heating cannon balls was added.

Current state

The fort became private property in 1931, six years after being classified as a historical monument. It is open to visitors.

Fort de la Latte

Fort de la Latte
48° 40' 60" N, -2° 19' E

coastal battery and tower
Siméon Garangeau
  • FAUCHERRE (N.), LECUILLIER (G.), La route des fortifications en Bretagne Normandie, Paris, 2006.
  • JOUON DES LONGRAIS (I.), « Le fort de la Latte » in Vauban et ses successeurs sur les côtes de la Manche, Paris, 2003, p.297-306.
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