The Network of Major Vauban Sites was created in March 2005. It is an Association Law 1901 which unites the 12 sites fortified by Vauban and inscribed on the World Heritage List.
The President is Anne Vignot, the Mayor-President of the Greater Besançon area, and the aim of the Network is to co-ordinate actions in favour of the conservation, management and enhancement of this outstanding architectural, urban and landscape heritage.
The main objectives of the association are:
- To co-ordinate actions undertaken by the towns responsible for managing the Vauban Fortifications inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, in collaboration with State services ;
- To encourage the development of an efficient network, pooling experience in the areas of maintenance, restoration, conservation, and enhancement and organising tourist and cultural events for the Vauban sites ;
- To develop a resource centre on an international level dealing with the management of Vauban’s fortified heritage.
The Vauban Network is supported in its actions by a Scientific and Technical Council chaired by Michèle Virol. Composed of French and foreign experts in the fields of bastioned fortification, architecture and town planning, landscape, Vauban, law, tourism and restoration, it is called upon to assist and guide the work of the association and its members. It meets twice a year and has a consultative voice.