Fort de la Hougue

Network life

Journées européennes du patrimoine

Les 16 & 17 septembre 2023, les douze fortifications de Vauban inscrites sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO vous proposent de nombreux événements. Découvrez-les vite !

The Tour de France in Longwy

On 7 July 2022, the anniversary of the inclusion of Vauban's fortifications on the Unesco World Heritage List, the sixth stage of the Tour de France will honour the stronghold of Longwy, which will...

Besançon Citadel: a new Citamix challenge

For the fourth consecutive year, the citadel of Besançon invites students to take up the Citamix challenge. In three days and one night, the participants will have to create an innovative mediation...

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