Menno van Coehoorn, 1641-1704 : vestingbouwer, belegeraar, infanterist
HOOF Joep Van

Menno van Coehoorn (1641 – 1704), often known as the “Dutch Vauban”, is presented in terms of his military career, his creations as an engineer of fortifications and his role as a capturer of towns. His confrontation with Vauban during the siege of Namuris also described. The work includes a glossary of fortification terms, an index of people as well as a topographical index.
Utrecht : Matrijs ; Den Haag : Instituut voor Militaire Geschiednis - 2004
- , 1 vol. (112 p.) : ill. en coul., cartes, couv.ill. en coul.
Bibliogr. p. 105-107. Index
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