Namur et ses enceintes : une fortification urbaine du Moyen Âge à nos jours
BRAGARD Philippe, BRUCH Vincent, CHAINIAUX Jacques

In Namur, what is now known as “the basket” bounded on the North by the Sambre to the Meuse, major roads and the railway, is the result of the fortified reinforcement of built-up urban areas over five centuries. Beyond the street names, beyond the rare disparate elements having survived, these pages, using new Belgian and overseas sources, recount and explain what made the Meuse city, all except its castles, into a major place of war.
Namur : les Amis de la Citadelle de Namur - 2009
- , 1 vol. (184 p.) : ill. en noir et en coul., couv. ill. en noir
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