Valoriser les patrimoines militaires: théories et actions

The study of different ways and procedures implemented in enhancing military heritage led to an international symposium in Brest in 2008. Fourteen important accounts presented on this occasion are featured in this book.
These examples of successful actions and projects that were still in progress at the time of the meeting shed light on our perception of the wealth of our military heritage. This heritage is torn between the accelerated transfer of property that the Ministry of Defence’s procedures of demilitarization introduced at the end of the 1980s and its appropriation, re-use and transformation by the local authority concerned.
These exchanges bring together different approaches namely historic, political, financial, heritage, tourist and environmental that highlight the necessity of prior expert knowledge’s, and provide a general discussion on the mechanisms of enhancement and promotion of this heritage, in adverse economic conditions.
The examples of fortifications in the North of France and Brittany and the German fortress of Jülich have brought daring and innovative solutions to the issue of enhancing fortified heritage. These ideas have incorporated new elements such as sustainable development and biodiversity.