L'enceinte de la place forte de Mont-Louis

Online resources

Approximately 90 French and foreign websites useful for the management of fortified heritage have been selected and described.
For a more direct access to the desired resources, the search is carried out by themes, which will unfold in a simple click.

  • National Federation of Councils for Architecture, Land Planning and Environment

    Association tasked with encouraging exchanges between the CAUE.
    En ligne
    current events, local press, educational area, catalogue of publications
  • National Federation of Urban Planning Agencies

    Represents the public organisations engaged in the study and consideration of the upgrading and development of major French agglomerations.
    En ligne
    publications, newsletters, news and events, databases
  • Arc en rêve

    Centre of architecture created for acts of cultural awareness in the fields of architecture, town, landscape and design.
    En ligne
    programme of exhibitions and educational activities, bookshop
  • Documentary portal of the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine

    French, English
    Documentary sets of the library. Themes covered: architecture, town planning, heritage, conservation.
    En ligne
    catalogue of the library, digitised documents, databases, archives, historical records
  • Documentation centre of town planning

    French, English, Spanish
    Centre of resources of the Ministry providing material on town planning, habitat, water, landscapes, biodiversity and raw materials.
    En ligne
    databases, summaries of the latest copies of periodicals, thematic files, linguistic tools, reports, event programmes
  • Media library of architecture and heritage

    Institution tasked with providing access to the documentary resources of the Directorate general of heritage.
    En ligne
    newsletters, archives, photographs, Mérimée database, Palissy database
  • Urbamet

    French, English, Spanish
    Resource centre for town planning, habitat and movements managed by the documentation centre of the town planning department.
    En ligne
    database with bibliographic references and downloadable documents, thesaurus of town planning
  • Archires

    Base de données bibliographiques des écoles nationales supérieures d’architecture de France, de l’Institut supérieur d’architecture de Bruxelles et de l’Ecole spéciale d’architecture de Paris.
    En ligne
    travaux universitaires, articles, liste des périodiques, liste des écoles
  • Library of the National School of Bridges ParisTech

    Set of documents on civil engineering, construction and architecture.
    En ligne
    photographs, old collections, maps, plans, electronic resources
  • French Institute of town planning

    Training in the fields of town planning and urban upgrading.
    En ligne
    current events, library, activities and presentations of research laboratories
  • National school of bridges and roadways

    Training in the fields of equipment, landscaping, construction, transport, industry and the environment.
    En ligne
    news and presentation of the school, activities and publications of research laboratories, archives of old collections
  • Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine

    French, English
    Public establishment comprising the Centre of higher studies of Chaillot, the French Institute of Architecture and the French museum of monuments tasked with promoting contemporary architectural creation and training professionals in the fields of architecture and heritage.
    En ligne
    current events, virtual visits, temporary exhibitions, list of training programmes, publications, and agenda of events

    Association of French World Heritage sites tasked with developing the sharing of knowledge and experience on a national and international scale in the fields of conservation, protection, evaluation, promotion and management of heritage.
    En ligne
    programmes of the French World Heritage sites meetingsl

    Association nationale des architectes des bâtiments de France chargée de promouvoir la qualité architecturale, urbaine et paysagère au sein de la fonction publique.
    En ligne
    revues de presse, chartes patrimoniales, documentations sur le droit du patrimoine, études, revue « la Pierre d’angle », annuaires des AUE
  • Association of cultural Centres of discovery

    French, English
    European network bringing together cultural centres of discovery labelled in France by the Minister of Culture and Communication.
    En ligne
    database on the cultural and artistic re-use of heritage, bibliographies, archives, charters of cultural centres
  • Federation of regional natural parks

    Represents the regional natural parks during national and international events.
    En ligne
    resource centre, lexicons, agenda of events, publications, picture library
  • Heritage without border

    Association tasked with safeguarding the international cultural heritage under threat.
    En ligne
    projects completed and underway, publications, news and events, newsletters
  • Heritage-Environment Federation

    Portal of associations of heritage and landscapes.
    En ligne
    current events, forum, directory of associations, educational programmes, legal information, practical guides

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