La citadelle de Blaye

Fortifications for young people

How to protect the borders of the kingdom of France to prevent its enemies from invading?
This was the problem that Vauban was asked to solve in the 17th century. All around the country, this talented military engineer created strongholds, citadels, fortified towns, towers and forts, in the mountains, on the plains or by the sea.

Vauban's fortifications told to children

Who is Vauban? What is the bastioned fortification? What works did Vauban build? Where did he build them? Why did he do it? To answer these questions, the Vauban Network offers this book for 8 to 12 year olds, produced in co-publication with the publishing house la petite Boite.

Combining a documentary file, games and a practical guide, this book, published in the collection "La France racontée aux enfants", will provide the keys to discover Vauban's fortifications and his 12 sites on the World Heritage List in a fun way.
This publication is part of the continuity of the educational activities of the Vauban Network and is in line with UNESCO's efforts to raise awareness of World Heritage among young people.

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