La Citadelle de Besançon. Deux millénaires d'histoire
CHAUVE Pierre (dir.)

The Citadel is a defensive barrier, acropolis, religious beacon, example of fortification, place of internment and resistance, place of memories, tourist site, and has always participated in the joys and sorrows of the city of Besançon that nestles at its feet.
The authors recount its history from ancient times to the 20th century, including the role it played during the war between the Spanish empire and Louis XIV, and a few hundred years later during the Second World War.
Besançon: Renaissance du Vieux Beançon - décembre 1998
Les Cahiers de la Renaissance du Vieux Besançon - n°3, 1vol (100p.):couv ill en coul, ill en coul et noir et blanc, plans
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