Les fortifications de la monarchie de juillet à Briançon

The campaign to modernise and extend the forts of Briançon carried out from the middle of the 19th century remains little known. Three different structures of different sizes were concerned, namely a casemated battery at the top of the fort of Randouillet, the fort du Château complex overlooking the rooftops of the city and the fort of Salettes. However the existence and history of this work dating from the reign of Louis-Philippe is little known. Until this time, researchers had focused their investigations on the time of Vauban and on high altitude forts from the end of the 19th century.
This study by Pierre Boyer succeeds in filling a gap and presents the history of the fortifications of the "Monarchie de Juillet” in Briançon. By linking it to general history and the position of 19th century France in particular, it shows the big picture thus making visits of the fortifications more enthralling, opening up our understanding of the history of the Briançon landscape and providing more reasons for cultural tourism.
Briançon is a prestigious place, built in four phases over 250 years, with structures added when the French Alpine border was threatened. Strengthening the stronghold of Briançon is a clear illustration of military intelligence implemented by the Engineering officers who perfectly adapted the art of fortifying in the mountains, with the minimum of resources for maximum efficiency. These three works can be seen from every direction as they crown the three highest points of the fortified site, thus powerfully reflecting the image of Briançon.