Digital promotion of the Guillestrois heritage

Guillestrois County - January 2011 - December 2012


The objective of the present project is to preserve and evaluate the whole of the remarkable heritage of theGuillestroisCountywhile focusing on the stronghold of Mont-Dauphin.

With the creation of a database, the project must be launched with the goal of establishing community circuits to discover heritage using multimedia content and nomad communication tools.

The project has two main end objectives:

  • The installation of a database to preserve a trace of the tangible and intangible heritage making up the territorial identity,
  • The creation of a mediation tool based on the territory and its heritage.

Territory, documentary sets and technological objects shall be designed in close coordination to ensure that the NICT can help support a new form of mediation custom designed for the Guillestrois.

Finance plan

Total cost of the project: €221,915.65 including tax

ERDF: 50%

Region: 30%

GuillestroisCounty: 20%


Positive aspects

Expected benefits:

  • Reinforcement of the feeling of belonging of the population of the Guillestrois, in transmitting the memory of the heritage which is behind the territory;
  • Improved visits to the heritage sites and cultural events of the territory ;
  • The development of educational projects around discovery circuits for schoolchildren;
  • The development of projects by local associations to evaluate the heritage (input into databases, exhibitions, promotion of sites, opening of monuments...).