New Dutch Waterline Network of entrepreneurs

The organisation ”Entreprendre sur toute la ligne” (Development right along the line) (Stichting Liniebreed ondernemen, SLO) - Association created in 2012


  • Non fort profit organisation created in 2012
  • Number of participants: 100, including entrepreneurs, local authorities and services providers
  • Number of employees: 2

Development right along the line
The organisation ”Entreprendre sur toute la ligne” (Development right along the line) (Stichting Liniebreed ondernemen, SLO) aims to contribute to the preservation and promotion of the line of defence according to the basic principle that only profitable and sustainable regeneration and a contemporary and varied redevelopment can guarantee the transmission of this heritage to future generations. On this basis, it supports public and private owners and operators of the New Dutch Waterline forts through marketing and promotional campaigns and events, sharing of experiences, fund-raising and even by offering group buying initiatives.

Concrete achievements at the service of fort occupants
For example the organisation has negotiated an advantageous energy tariff for all operators. It advises and supports entrepreneurs who require it in finding sponsorship for commercial projects. It organises themed conferences for its members on subjects such as brand creation for entrepreneurs working on the line of defence or the use of renewable energies. Through the luxury annual magazine “Fort!”, the organisation informs the public of new offers to be discovered in forts along the New Dutch Waterline. It also includes a calendar of events.
This publication is distributed on the site and in tourist offices, restaurants, hotels and nearby libraries.

Finance plan
  • Annual budget (2014): 200 000€ (of which 90% from subsidies from provincies)
  • Annual contribution (2014): 200€ excl. taxes


Positive aspects

The large number of private operators in the New Dutch Waterline is probably explained by the reduced size of each of these forts as well as by a pro-active policy on the part of the public authorities.
Decentralisation and gradual withdrawal of public authority control, given over to private initiatives, requires operators as well as SLO to be run more independently. SLO is planning to increase the number of participants and their annual contribution to cover its running costs from 2017. It is also widening its activity and its offer to all the Dutch hydraulic defence lines.