A digital cluster located in a secure area
Project sponsor(s)Fredy Décima companySchedule18 monthsSummary- Date of building the gunpowder magazine : 1682
- Net floor area gunpowder magazine: 100 m²
- Project duration: 18 months (after obtaining building permission)
- Date commissioned: May2014
Architecture studios
Project sponsor(s)Network of Vauban’s major sitesSchedule1st semester of the academic year from October to the end of JanuarySummaryContext, memory and creation
Created in 2009 in the aim of mutual enrichment of teaching and practice, the partnership between the Vauban Network and the National Higher School of Architecture of Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB) has given the major Vauban sites the chance to benefit from innovative ideas...Arras citadel, redevelopment project with connexion to the historical city centre
Project sponsor(s)Arras Urban CommunityScheduleThe implementation of this project requires different phases of work scheduled over the short-term (2012-2014), mid-term (2015-2020) and long-term (after 2020).Summary- Owner (since 2010) and contracting authority: Arras Urban Community
- Number of inhabitants: 105,000 (INSEE census 2011)
- Area of the citadel: 30 ha
- Useable surface area: 45,000 m²
- Number of 17th century buildings: 15
- Reconversion master plan project management: Philippe Prost Architectural...
Citadel of Arras, land management in the framework of the Urban Community redevelopment project
Project sponsor(s)Arras Urban CommunitySchedule2010-2030SummaryThe Citadel of Arras was transferred to the Arras Urban Community (CUA) in June 2010.
The Citadel was open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays only between 2 April and 16 October 2011 with access to a limited area around the parade ground.
However, the Citadel has been open to the public daily...
Creation of an interpretation centre for architecture and heritage, Briançon
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2012-2015, call for tender for the project manager in progressSummaryRenovation of a monument dating from the late 14th century and creation of a new cultural facility.
Development of the Campana barracks
Project sponsor(s)Commune de Mont-DauphinSchedule2011 - 2013SummaryThe Campana barracks, the first in Mont-Dauphin built in 1695, consisted of seven modules on each of its two levels. It could therefore house 672 soldiers.
Initially the property of the Defence State, it was rented to the Mont-Dauphin town council from 1981. The latter then undertook the creation...
Fort Bakkerskil (The Netherlands): A wood-fired guest house
Project sponsor(s)Brabants landschapScheduleGuest house opened in 2012Summary- Construction period: 1877 - 1880
- Municipality: Werkendam
- Ownership status (since 2007): Brabants landschap
- Guest house opened in 2012
- Sleeps: 30 people
- Annual consumption: 450 m3 (10 deliveries) i.e 9 000€ (heating and hot water)
- Output: 65 Kw
Géofort (the Netherlands) : Identity serving the project
Project sponsor(s)Staatsbosbeheer GéofortSchedule2005Summary- Construction period: 1876-1880
- Surface area: 3,5 ha
- Legal status: association
- Ownership status: Staatsbosheer
- Duration of rental contract: 30 ans
- Number of visitors in 2013: 35 000
- Opening hours: weekends and during school holidays from 10: 00 am to 5: 00 pm, on reservation for groups (corporate...
Longwy, collaborating with social housing authorities
Project sponsor(s)Longwy Town councilSchedule2009-2023Summary2009 - Phillipe Prost Study
2012 - guideline plan
2012 - archaeological survey
2013 -2023 –work carried out
New Dutch Waterline (The Netherlands) : A private operating model controlled by public authorities
Project sponsor(s)New Dutch WaterlineSchedule2000-2014Summary- Construction period: 1815-1940
- Stretch of the line of defence: 85 km
- Width of the line of defence: 3 à 5 km
- Number of communes: 24
- Number of fortified towns: 5
- Number of forts and other structures: 60
- Number of redeveloped forts: 40
New Dutch Waterline Network of entrepreneurs
Project sponsor(s)The organisation ”Entreprendre sur toute la ligne” (Development right along the line) (Stichting Liniebreed ondernemen, SLO)ScheduleAssociation created in 2012Summary- Non fort profit organisation created in 2012
- Number of participants: 100, including entrepreneurs, local authorities and services providers
- Number of employees: 2
The summer theatre in the Hyvä Omatunto (Clear Conscience) ravelin
Project sponsor(s)Governing Body of SuomenlinnaSchedule1990-1993 and 2005-2007SummaryImplementation:
- 1990-1993: Helsinki open prison, Suomenlinna division
- 2005-2007: Helsinki open prison, Suomenlinna division for foundations, private entrepreneur (metallic structure and fabric cutting)
Annual maintenance
mounting - dismantling of fabric using a crane (cost of 10,000 € per...
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