Besançon, young international volonteers initiative
Project sponsor(s)Town of BesançonSchedule4 to 25 July 2009Chantier de restauration de bénévoles internationaux, place forte de Mont-Louis
Project sponsor(s)Association CONCORDIA (maîtrise d’œuvre et d’ouvrage)Schedule6 semaines: deux chantiers de 3 semaines (10-31 juillet 2013 et 1-22 août 2013)SummaryRestauration de la calade (sol) de l’ancien lavoir de Mont-Louis et restauration des banquettes de tir de la citadelle militaire par une équipe de jeunes bénévoles internationaux.
Creation of an interpretation centre for architecture and heritage, Briançon
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2012-2015, call for tender for the project manager in progressSummaryRenovation of a monument dating from the late 14th century and creation of a new cultural facility.
Longwy, conservation and landscaping measures
Project sponsor(s)Town of LongwySchedule2009-2012SummaryA woodland management plan enhances fortified heritage and leads to its long-term viability; equally it preserves and enhances woodland slopes, whilst ensuring a number of objectives, namely :
- that the ramparts can be seen from the valley,
- that the Valley can be seen from the ramparts.
To this...
The Marie-Thérèse redoubt at Avrieux (Barrière de l’Esseillon)
Project sponsor(s)Town of Avrieux
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