Illustrated glossary
- Arsenal
- Barracks
- Bastion
- Bastioned tower
- Battery
- Capital
- Caponier
- Casemate
- Cavalier
- Citadel
- Cofferdam
- Cordon
- Corps de garde or Guardroom
- Corps de place
- Counterguard or coverface
- Counterscarp
- Covert way
- Crown
- Cunette
- Curtain wall
- Dame
- Defilade or to cover
- Demi-lune or ravelin
- Ditch
- Echauguette or watchtower
- Embrasure
- Enceinte or urban walls
- Entrenched camps
- Face
- Fausse braie
- First system
- Flank
- Fort
- Fortress
- Glacis
- Gorge
- Guérite
- Hornwork
- Loophole or Murder hole
- Lunette
- Nid-de-pie
- Orgues
- Orillion
- Parade ground
- Parapet
- Pas de souris stairway
- Portcullis
- Postern
- Rampart
- Redoubt
- Reduit
- Second system
- Stronghold
- Tenaille
- Third system
- Three systems
- To flank
- Traverse
- Wall walk
Low pentagonal work that projected outward from the enceinte or urban wall. The bastion was made up of five lines with two sides, two flanks and the gorge. It was often open at the gorge, and more rarely entrenched. It was called "solid" when it was completely filled with earth from the rampart and void or hollow when the earth only lined the parapets along some of its width. A bastioned front is a special layout where the sides mutually protect each other.