Illustrated glossary
- Arsenal
- Barracks
- Bastion
- Bastioned tower
- Battery
- Capital
- Caponier
- Casemate
- Cavalier
- Citadel
- Cofferdam
- Cordon
- Corps de garde or Guardroom
- Corps de place
- Counterguard or coverface
- Counterscarp
- Covert way
- Crown
- Cunette
- Curtain wall
- Dame
- Defilade or to cover
- Demi-lune or ravelin
- Ditch
- Echauguette or watchtower
- Embrasure
- Enceinte or urban walls
- Entrenched camps
- Face
- Fausse braie
- First system
- Flank
- Fort
- Fortress
- Glacis
- Gorge
- Guérite
- Hornwork
- Loophole or Murder hole
- Lunette
- Nid-de-pie
- Orgues
- Orillion
- Parade ground
- Parapet
- Pas de souris stairway
- Portcullis
- Postern
- Rampart
- Redoubt
- Reduit
- Second system
- Stronghold
- Tenaille
- Third system
- Three systems
- To flank
- Traverse
- Wall walk
A place surrounded by fortifications forming a self-defending ensemble.
The fortifications are the series of structures which make up the defensive system of the stronghold.
The fortifications are the series of structures which make up the defensive system of the stronghold.