Besançon, educational rehabilitation initiative
Project sponsor(s)World Heritage Citadel – Public InstitutionSchedule2011 to 2013. This contract may be renewed twice for the duration of one year each time.Besançon, maintenance carried out under the Community Service Scheme
Project sponsor(s)World Heritage Citadel – Public InstitutionScheduleThe citadel of Besançon, through political will, is a registered site for Community Service and has accepted young offenders on placement for over 20 years now.SummaryThe citadel of Besançon, through political will, is a registered site for Community Service and has accepted young offenders on placement for over 20 years now.
Every month, an offender works at the Citadel thus benefiting society through reparation measures.
Besançon, partnership with the 19th engineering regiment for control and maintenance of vegetation
Project sponsor(s)World Heritage Citadel-public institutionScheduleRenewable annually by tacit agreementSummaryThe town of Besançon, the Citadel and the 19th Engineering Regiment have forged and maintained strong ties for many years. 20 years ago, on 8 June 1991, they signed a twinning agreement. Thus, in view of the testimonies and links of friendship that have always existed between the local inhabitants...
Besançon, Study of landscaping to enhance Vauban’s fortifications
Project sponsor(s)Town of BesançonSchedule12 months (July 2009 to June2010)SummaryA unique, natural setting
Besançon enjoys a rare and distinctive geographical setting with a chain of hills along the
RiverDoubsthat are part of the last anticlinal fold of the western limit of the Jura mountain range.
The strategic importance of the site was noticed at an early date. The...
Besançon, young international volonteers initiative
Project sponsor(s)Town of BesançonSchedule4 to 25 July 2009Chantier de restauration de bénévoles internationaux, place forte de Mont-Louis
Project sponsor(s)Association CONCORDIA (maîtrise d’œuvre et d’ouvrage)Schedule6 semaines: deux chantiers de 3 semaines (10-31 juillet 2013 et 1-22 août 2013)SummaryRestauration de la calade (sol) de l’ancien lavoir de Mont-Louis et restauration des banquettes de tir de la citadelle militaire par une équipe de jeunes bénévoles internationaux.
Conservation and restoration of the citadel
Project sponsor(s)Town of BesançonSchedule2007-2013SummaryAs part of the Contract for the State Regional Projects for the period 2007-2013 and the plan for the management, preservation, and sustainable development of the town ofBesançon, as voted for in July 2007 by the municipal council, the fortifications of Vauban have been chosen to benefit from a...
Gestion écologique des milieux naturels périurbains par convention de pâturage
Innovative partnerships for maintenance: Friends of fort Médoc
Project sponsor(s)The Friends of fort Médoc associationSummaryBuilding with earth to adapt to unstable terrain
A vital part of the defensive triptych designed by Vauban to enclose the Gironde (together with the Blaye citadel and fort Pâté), fort Médoc, comprising a grassed earth enclosure backing onto the estuary, is built upon marshy land bordering the...Longwy, conservation and landscaping measures
Project sponsor(s)Town of LongwySchedule2009-2012SummaryA woodland management plan enhances fortified heritage and leads to its long-term viability; equally it preserves and enhances woodland slopes, whilst ensuring a number of objectives, namely :
- that the ramparts can be seen from the valley,
- that the Valley can be seen from the ramparts.
To this...
Organisation of volunteers by English Heritage: Example of Medway
Project sponsor(s)English HeritageSummaryEnglish Heritage, owner of 400 sites in the United Kingdom, has an active volunteering policy. In fact, heritage preservation relies only partially on public funds and very strongly on driving forces led by volunteers. In 2012-2013, more than 1,000 volunteers carried out 62,000 hours of work, broken...
Requalification of the parade ground
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2010-2011SummaryRedevelopment of the parade ground to enhance a historic part of the town and revitalise an area for day to day use. Reconstruction of the stone walls of the well to Vauban’s original design. Restoration of the parade ground- demolition – site preparation; repairs – cleaning; access; drainage...
Restoration of the fort du Randouillet barrack’s roofs, Briançon
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2012-2014SummaryThe Fort du Randouillet is located on a steep and narrow rocky mound, distinguished by its vast size spread over a slope of100 metres. The various buildings that make up this site were constructed to meet the requirements of military architecture of the time, and to adapt to the constraints of the...
Restoration of the ravelin bridge at the France gate, Longwy
Project sponsor(s)Town of LongwySchedule2007 - chief architect’s report / 2008 - commencement of work / 2011 - completion of workSummaryReconstruction of the fixed bridge; restoration of the drawbridge, the mechanism, the gate and the vaulted passageway.
Social rehabilitation initiatives, Longwy
Project sponsor(s)Longwy Town CouncilSchedule2011, and 2012-2014
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