A digital cluster located in a secure area
Project sponsor(s)Fredy Décima companySchedule18 monthsSummary- Date of building the gunpowder magazine : 1682
- Net floor area gunpowder magazine: 100 m²
- Project duration: 18 months (after obtaining building permission)
- Date commissioned: May2014
Architectural and Technical Project
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2010SummarySAFETY OF INDIVIDUALS
The sanitary state of the fort des Salettes leads to two safety-related issues, one of which is linked to the position of the fort above the departmental road, while the other concerns public access to the inside of the fort :- The stone ruins of the south-east front are a...
Briançon, stabilising the bedrock of the Fort des Têtes by injecting reinforced concrete
Project sponsor(s)Ministry of DefenceSchedule2011Chantier de restauration de bénévoles internationaux, place forte de Mont-Louis
Project sponsor(s)Association CONCORDIA (maîtrise d’œuvre et d’ouvrage)Schedule6 semaines: deux chantiers de 3 semaines (10-31 juillet 2013 et 1-22 août 2013)SummaryRestauration de la calade (sol) de l’ancien lavoir de Mont-Louis et restauration des banquettes de tir de la citadelle militaire par une équipe de jeunes bénévoles internationaux.
Conservation and restoration of the citadel
Project sponsor(s)Town of BesançonSchedule2007-2013SummaryAs part of the Contract for the State Regional Projects for the period 2007-2013 and the plan for the management, preservation, and sustainable development of the town ofBesançon, as voted for in July 2007 by the municipal council, the fortifications of Vauban have been chosen to benefit from a...
Creation of an interpretation centre for architecture and heritage, Briançon
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2012-2015, call for tender for the project manager in progressSummaryRenovation of a monument dating from the late 14th century and creation of a new cultural facility.
Development of the Campana barracks
Project sponsor(s)Commune de Mont-DauphinSchedule2011 - 2013SummaryThe Campana barracks, the first in Mont-Dauphin built in 1695, consisted of seven modules on each of its two levels. It could therefore house 672 soldiers.
Initially the property of the Defence State, it was rented to the Mont-Dauphin town council from 1981. The latter then undertook the creation...
Longwy, collaborating with social housing authorities
Project sponsor(s)Longwy Town councilSchedule2009-2023Summary2009 - Phillipe Prost Study
2012 - guideline plan
2012 - archaeological survey
2013 -2023 –work carried out
Reconversion of the Saint-Étienne chapel for an exceptional offer
Project sponsor(s)The Citadel World heritage public body (EPC-PM)ScheduleMay 2014SummaryIn May 2014, a new multimedia show was inaugurated at the Saint-Étienne chapel. 300° projections of historical documents, spectacular real-life views and computer-generated images, completed by an actor and sound effects, offer visitors a unique 14-minute experience for understanding the history of...
Requalification of the parade ground
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2010-2011SummaryRedevelopment of the parade ground to enhance a historic part of the town and revitalise an area for day to day use. Reconstruction of the stone walls of the well to Vauban’s original design. Restoration of the parade ground- demolition – site preparation; repairs – cleaning; access; drainage...
Restoration of the breaches, Longwy
Project sponsor(s)Town of LongwySchedule2012-2015Restoration of the fort du Randouillet barrack’s roofs, Briançon
Project sponsor(s)Town of BriançonSchedule2012-2014SummaryThe Fort du Randouillet is located on a steep and narrow rocky mound, distinguished by its vast size spread over a slope of100 metres. The various buildings that make up this site were constructed to meet the requirements of military architecture of the time, and to adapt to the constraints of the...
Restoration of the ravelin bridge at the France gate, Longwy
Project sponsor(s)Town of LongwySchedule2007 - chief architect’s report / 2008 - commencement of work / 2011 - completion of workSummaryReconstruction of the fixed bridge; restoration of the drawbridge, the mechanism, the gate and the vaulted passageway.
The Marie-Thérèse redoubt at Avrieux (Barrière de l’Esseillon)
Project sponsor(s)Town of AvrieuxThe summer theatre in the Hyvä Omatunto (Clear Conscience) ravelin
Project sponsor(s)Governing Body of SuomenlinnaSchedule1990-1993 and 2005-2007SummaryImplementation:
- 1990-1993: Helsinki open prison, Suomenlinna division
- 2005-2007: Helsinki open prison, Suomenlinna division for foundations, private entrepreneur (metallic structure and fabric cutting)
Annual maintenance
mounting - dismantling of fabric using a crane (cost of 10,000 € per...The Tour des enfants
Project sponsor(s)Town of Besancon, Directorate of culture and heritageScheduleJune-September 2008SummaryInnovations of Vauban, the first bastioned towers flanking a protective city wall were constructed in Besançon from 1687. The bastioned tower of Chamars was constructed on the rock, on the river bed, between 1687 and 1691. Following a restoration during the year 2008, it was opened to visitors for...
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